Tuesday, December 05, 2000


How's this for a newspaper headline: Student stops in Middle of Highway to sing and dance as he preaches About the crime of not sleeping.

yeah I don't think it will make it either. But I actually would like to be out somewhere singing and dancing. Actually...just dancing. I can barely talk right now so I really don't think I could sing. I'm am so bored and so tired. I didn't go to sleep until about 3:15 last night. It's my fault though. I was watching center stage. I think I love that movie. I should have took ballet. I have grace, strength, an undying urge to blister my toes. I could make it...right.....RIGHT!?

Anyway, i want to go out somewhere. NOW!, but I must stay here and make a vain attempt to make my self smarter... I just want to go to the frieaking arcade. I'm dying here. Well not dying, but close.

I over slept this morning. Made myself a whole ten minutes late to class. YEAH! I failed my take home test in that class though. YEAH? ****lesson for today taking a test after being out of bed for ten minutes does not work. It is only a waste of you time.****

My throat doesn't feel like glass anymore. It feels like a bloody slime ball.

I'm worried. I can't pick a line of thought and stick to it. damn fragments. psynapsis popping way to fast. Actually probaly too slow. I need sex. I want sex. SEEEEXXXXXXXXXX! With that stated i also want a book. A good book. A book on the life of Arcadia.

My sister told me some stories of demons that her friend and her friends family have encountered. Are demons real. I could be the next buffy. Well not Buffy. TOMMIE the Vampire Fucker!

My show would so be on that whole Must see T.V. thing.

I'm rambling. slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowly slowing down. bring the bus to a stop. Putting the driver on the curb. Backing up over his leg. then using the leg to get a real boost as I gun the bitch. Riding down the Freeway to a toll booth. Oh shit this bus is wired to explode if I go below 55. Sorry toll booth lady.

Where is everyone. Why will no one talk to me. Will someone help me answer the voices in my head. The bastards are getting a little unruly.

Tyrone read my diary.

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