This is gonna be quick.
The company I'll be working for in March has finally sent my Diploma back to me. (I have my BA in english and sociology.) They only had the damn thing for about a month and a half.
I having a hard time focusing my thoughts. My mother has pumped me full of every medicine she could find in our cabinet. I have a cold... I think.
Um, I never really explained what I'm doing did I?
I'm moving to Japan in March. I'l be teaching for this charming little company called Aeon Amity. I'll be teaching english conversation to children and adults. I'm not gonna lie and say it is my dream job because its not. My dream job involves me being a slightly known author with a small cult following who allows me to finance a life of reasonable comfort. reasonable comfort being me living in a samll apartment above my bookstore. That's my dream job. My dream life. This job in Japan is simply a dream oppurtnity.
At any rate I would be foolish to pass this oppurtunity up. I have a little experience teaching. I've tutored high school students and advised college students on essay writing (even though you couldn't tell it here.)
Anyway I have this amazing opurtunity to go to Japan and teach children. Of course I'm taking it. I sent the company my degree a while ago so they could get my certificate of eligibility together. That litle thing basically says that I am eligible to obtain a work visa because I'll be doing this. They had my diploma for a while. I finally received it back today. (The fricking FedEX woman scared the shit out of me.)
In the cute little package that the company sent me there were some handouts on teaching at Amity. I read through them and they destroyed my world. They did it. Those hussies! I was reading one of the handouts on handling the class. In the middle of the page was a simple sentence,
"Discipline when Necessary."
my dreams. such simple things. discipline.
I thought the children were supposed to be angels. I just didn't imagine I would ever have to discipline children. I just had this wonderful vision of the children having little slanted eyes, round faces, shiny black hair and great big smiles. I just can't imagine them with devilish little horns an malicious grins challenging me in Japanese.
Damn. That was quick. I actually want to write more, but like I said I'm a bit drugged up. actually very drugged up.
I'm gonna lay down and allow the realities of disciplining children drain slowly from my ears. Children are nice.
I actually write better than this. I'm just way out of practice.