Right now I actually have about three of these things floating around the internet. They all basically says the same thing too. Actually 4 if you count my journal. I've had that journal for about 5 years now. I've stopped writing in it. Its pretty cool. I like it. I was a nut when I first came out of high school. Now I'm a little more reserved. Some would even say calm, but I do have my moments where my nuttiness comes flying out again.
What does all of this have to do with anything? Nothing really. I'm just flowing in my mind. That's all. It's early. I'm sick of my job. It's killing me. Cingular. FUCK YOU!!! Customers. FUCK YOU EVEN MORE!!!
I hate people. Especially people who feel that not having enough money to pay their bill this month (because their bitch as can't control their calling habits) gives them special license to call in and act a complete fool with poor innocent people like me. I have yet to understand how some people can blaze through three telephones in a year. I had my first phone for a year and a half. It was stolen. I had my second phone for three years and now I have my third phone. I have never had a single problem that I could blame on a phone company with my cell phone. My bill has always been right (that is with ATT and Cingular) and my phone has never died.
I don't fucking get what people are doing and I am sick of not being able to say anything back. I understand that holding my tongue is a part of the job. I understand that in customer service we are there to serve the customer. I understand this. I agree with this. But the part about allowing people act as though I am a fucking moron. I don't agree with. The part that says I will be someone's scratching post. I don't agree with. That is bullshit. People are shitty.
It is not all the customers' fault though. I work with some shitty people. I hate people who don't fucking do their job the first fucking time. I hate them because the customer will call right back in and bitch me out because they are aggravated. I would be aggravated too. Hell half of the time I am aggravated with them but, as I have said, or as I have suggested, being mad does not give you special privileges. (shit I can't spell) I have been angry several times in my life. That doesn't mean I would go and liberally apply my anger to every one that I see. I have student loans. There were times during my time in college were my loan company would drag their fucking feet for over a month and a half. During that time I would have to get by on nickels and dimes. Was I pissed yes. Did I call them on the regular, yes. Did I allow my frustration to lull me into the belief that I am allowed or even entitle to the right to call in and go off on "Anne" who has just started her shift at work and has never in her life touched my account or even heard of my name? NO! "Anne" is a person just like me. "Anne" probably does not have her job by choice. "Anne" in all actuality does not give a shit and me shouting and cursing and vocalizing my frustration will not do anything but make what little desire "Anne" had to help me shrivel up and die. Trust me. It is true. I've been "Anne." I was "Anne" yesterday. Stupid bitch ass people who don't take the fucking time to read their fucking bill have killed my desire to help.
Maybe that's why some of my coworkers don't do their job. To many bitches have gotten to them. Wait I forgot the most aggravating part of this entire equation. Cingular. That bitch of a company has frozen every one's vacation. Well every one in customer care. For the month's of January and February. And let us not forget the last three weeks of December. If you made the mistake of not scheduling your vacation for these month's back in October you are screwed. It doesn't even matter if you are truly sick and really need to go the doctor. You will get written up. The any reason that Cingular can give for blocking all of our vacation is that our customer's have had to wait an unacceptable amount of time on hold and that they have scheduled a shitload of things to do in the month of February. Fuck Cingular and Fuck their fucking schedule.
I hate my job. Which is why I'm quitting in two and a half weeks! I can't wait until I start my new job.
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