Thursday, September 28, 2006

September 27, 2006 Another Wednesday

Day 2 of the worst headache I've had in a while. Someone is to blame for this. Perhaps me. Coming to Japan could have been a mistake. Maybe. Perhaps this is just the headache talking to me. Through me. For me. Shit my head hurts.

Recently I've been meeting guys. a few. One sticks out though. He is 35. I don't think he wants to date me but he'll make a nice friend. He cited our ages as a reason for us to not get together. He says I'm probably playing the field and I suppose that's true. I like him though. a lot. He like the first genuinely good guy I've met. Like documented good. He did something amazing....

We had been drinking for like two hours and I was feeling a little tipsy and easy. So I said that I wanted to "pull" his belt. He said I could but he would never see me again if I did. I was taken back. I was so amazed. I was pleased. To tears. He gained like 35000 cool points with me. I mean hella cool points. I mean there are cool, COOL, and hella cool. He bypassed the first two to line his pockets with hella. I was amazed and even more aroused, but held it in because I couldn't imagine not seeing him again. I was amazed. I am still amazed. I can't get him out of my mind.

Maybe he wants something more than sex and that excites me. Are all older men like him? If they are I think I will have to change my dating age limit. Maybe edge out the 20-somethings and start sampling the world of 40.

I just realized a new wednesday fact. If you avoid eye contact with your japanese coworkers as if were a cancerous element and completley refrain from anything beyond short two word answers they won't give you work. Also the J-guy working in the office has the most crazy hair I've seen in quite some time. Like it feathers out and shit. Its like a puffier, fligtier version of that whole Farraf Fawcett do. Occasionally he pauses to wrangle a piece that has become too enamored withthe idea of flight. Its really funny. His feather hair almost draws attention from the fact that he never closes his mouth. Ever. He sufferes from an extreme case of fat lip or open-jaw or whatever the hell you call it when the shit is always hanging open like a door with a broken hinge. At any rate I often consider lobbing paper clips into his open maw, but change my mind because I would hate to see his hair fly away with his head.

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