Friday, June 29, 2007


The sun has already been up for about seven hours. You would never know it though. The sky is this horribly depressing dingy cotton color that promises, with all that it has, to hold in ever last drop of heat and humidity that comes our way. The pavement outside my apartment building is bearing witness to that promise by clawing at my face with a steady heat that threatens to burn any foot that is left unprotected for too long.

Inside, my apartment is echoing the heat. My little fan, which isn't so little, seems to only be propelling hot air around the room. There is no relief to be had. I have an air conditioner, but stinginess is keeping me from turning it on. I wonder how long that will last.

The gas man came this morning. I wore a pair of skimpy shorts and tried to scare him. Well not really skimpy, but they are a slightly ripped pair of old basketball shorts. They outline my dick perfectly. But in typical old man Japanese fashion he ignored my penis and went running around taking measurements from my gas connections.

I even posed beside the door. You know with my hands over my head and a real seductive "you know you want to get some look," but he just continued to scurry about doing his business. I was hurt. Well not really. There isn't to much I want to do with an old Japanese man in a khaki uniform.

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