Friday, August 24, 2007


I have found recently that a curse can be anything. It can be a good wish from your mother or the most evil hope of a child. The source does not change its power. What changes or makes its power good or evil is your personal perception of the curse. Even non-believers end some strength to any curse placed upon them.
I am a non-believer. Years ago I was told by a woman in a God inspired fit that I would one day be a preacher and for years I thought her crazy. If God, the God, wanted me to be a preacher he would find ways to make my way in life a little more acceptable. That is what I thought, but tonight I found myself doing something strange. I do not consider myself a christian, but I found myself telling my roommate to think of her problems as Satan. Not Satan as in some evil entity outside of herself, but Satan as in everything that appears as a problem in your life. Satan is something to stand upon and move forward and upward from. Satan is something to use as a platform into a better life.

I think that may be considered preaching. Is that what that sweaty woman meant all those years ago?
I don't know.
But it feels like I did the right thing and I don't really mind doing it again to help someone who may need it.
How is that for a curse?

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