Yeah you see it. The Afro. It is moving.
Afros on black people do not move, but of course Japanese people don't know this.
This is a picture of the Afro Samurai, the brainchild of Takashi Okazaki, a Japanese dude. Afro Samurai has lots of famous hip-hop people involved with it and Samuel Jackson being a new type of annoying, he plays Afro's imaginary friend, big mouthed, white haired, ninja guy who can adhere to damn near anything and talk about nonsense for a little over three hours without breaking a sweat.
Oh and you heard right. The character is named Afro. It isn't a nickname, well it might be but they never mention it in the show. Japanese people never cease to amaze me with their creativity.
Anyway what upsets me about this show is the fact that many black people were involved in the making of this show yet never felt it necessary to mention the laws of Afro physics. I list the for you.
Afro Physics: Laws and Theories (on black people)
1. The hair of an afro does can not move in the presence of a light wind.
2. Given a strong wind an afro may be slightly affected by said wind, but the the afro may not flow in the damn wind.
3. Dammit wind has little to no affect on AFROS!!!
4. As with any other type of hair afros are affected by water. After the water is gone an afro has to be resuscitated through the use of a pick or prayer and a good bit of ibuprofen.
5. Although afros seem magical they are not and and afro has yet to support the weight of any person. A spear to the center of an afro will meet a skull not more hair.
In the show Afro Samurai all of these rules were ignored repeatedly. Like every five minutes. Especially the whole billowy thing. Like they should have named him Permed Afro Samurai cause I ain't ever seen an afro do all that crazy shit.
Did I mentioned I watched the entire show yesterday. It was only five episodes. I like it even if they don't understand afros.
..i agree. i really dont like the white afros either. the 70's are over.
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