...who is has a chronic lateness problem. She is only 16 so I don't expect her to be standing in the lobby looking constipated like the older students, but trying to get here within five minutes of the class starting time would be nice.
4 days.
Only 4 days stand between me and my family. I am so excited. I can honestly say that I have never in my life been so excited about seeing my family. I wonder if this feeling will last through my entire trip or will it suddenly fall flat after being faced with my real family. They are all so perfect in my mind right now. Wonderful people. Totally perfect.
This might be bad.
Them not being perfect as I am imagining worries me. Actually everything about this trip worries and excites me. A lot. So much so that I am finding it more and more difficult to care about work. Now I am not being mean to kids or being rude to adults. My lack of caring is manifesting itself through my wardrobe. Any desire that I had diversify my wardrobe has died completely. I have this one shirt that I really like. I use to try to rotate it out so that it could be fresh and exciting but now I don't care. I wear that shirt 3 or 4 times a week now.
Yes. I wash it... Once a week.
I don't care anymore. No one seems to care about my clothes but me and as my trip home approaches the inadequacies of my wardrobe are becoming more and more apparent. I think that is resulting in my lack of caring. My wardrobe just isn't me anymore. And, more importantly, most of my stuff is ugly. I have two pairs of casual pants and I never really broke one pair in so I rarely wear them. I have worn the other pair to death. Those pants are like the Knight Badge of Courage... or Power or some other lame thing. I hate my clothes and since I am going back to America I can shop.
I'm going shopping. I am so happy. I am so excited. I am so worried. I am absolutely insane with expectancy.
Does that make sense? NO!
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