Saturday, June 16, 2007

Picture this

Thursday. The most hectic day of my week. I have two wonderful yet insanely energetic kids classes. In one of those classes is K-chan. She has not come to my class in almost two months. There is something that stops her.
This thursday we have a breakthrough. It is discovered, after weeks of constant prodding, that the reason for K-chan's absence and repeated crying in the lobby is me. (Surprised?)
It would seem that in one class many weeks ago I didn't realize that K-chan had her hand raised to answer a question. Apparently I hurt her little 8 year old soul.
So what does my director asks me to do?

Apologize. To an 8 year old. For not realizing she had her hand raised.

Of course I stared at the director, but since I like her I agreed to be a team player and talk, not apologize, to K-chan. My director then leads me to K-chan. She is sitting in a little room all curled up on a chair hiding her face. While I stand there the director starts talking to K-chan, and then K-chan starts to get hysterical.

Naturally my belt started to feel a bit oppressive around my waist, but sheer disbelief prevents me from freeing it and doing that other function that it was designed to do.

K-chan eventually kicks pass the director and runs out the door. Out the building. Around the corner and into the train station. During this flight she never stopped screaming and crying. Well at least she screamed anf cried as far as I could see.

The director was surprised. Her mother seemed less than shocked. I wanted to chase down a child and explain in my best This-shit-is-gonna-stop-today voice that she is too damn old to be throwing any kind of tantrum because someone, me, failed to be perfect and not pick out your hand in room of screaming 7 and 8 year olds, but, alas, I don't run after other people's kids unless they are running into traffic. Their are no cars in the train station so I figured she was safe.

Well the pedophiles might get her, but at this point I don't care.

Her little brother has gotten the hang of how I do shit, but she just doesn't want to get on board.

K-chan might be a lost cause, but my director just doesn't want to believe it.

1 comment:

SemiSpecial said...

I'm sorry that you have to deal with children. I think i started laughing when you said she ran hysterically to the train station. And the part about the little brother just learning how to shit. Cute.