Friday, February 01, 2008

Finally the floor apears...

Yeah. It is true. I can finaly see the floor in my room. Last year I complained a lot about my roommate's apparent inability to do any thing that remotely resemble cleaning. Well this year I can't do that. At least not yet at least. I have become a slob. SLOB!!! It is really dreadful. Today for no less than the sixth time in three weeks I am trying to clean my room. Like I said the floor has finally appeared and it is usually at this point that I decide to go play a game or something and then the room slips back into its normal state of disaster, but not today! I am going to stick with it.

Actually writing in my blog qualifies as doing something else, but as I it has been a long time since I wrote here so I figured I should do it while the urge is on me... no matter how counter productive it is for the state of my room.

I recently came close to giving one of my adult students a panic attack in class.
It was one of those rare days when I only have one student in class. This student is a very quiet 28 year old woman. I have her for two different regular classes and have pretty much built a good relationship with her. The only problem is that she is... quiet. (I think I said that already.) ANyway, the whole quiet thing seems to be a Japanese trait. Silence has transcended gold and soared straight into diamond status. THis lady has lots of diamonds because of that.

in the book that day we were supposed to do a mock police interogation. I knew I couldn't depend on her to ask questions so I took on the role of cop and she was the suspect. I questioned her about a robbery that took place in the book. A painting or something. I started out like they do in the movies.

Me: Hello. I'm Detective Knight. I have a few questions for you.
Student: Ok.
Me, being as nice and sweet as possible: So on the friday in question did you have lunch?
Student: Yes, I did.
Me: That is nice. Where?

We went back and forth like that for a few minutes with me taking notes and trying to lull her into a false sense of security. Since we have spent so much time togther she fell for it. When I knew she was feeling nice and happy about her interogation I got a little rough.

Me: So do you like art? (smiling)
Student: Yes, I love it.
Me: Is that why you stole the painting? (no expression)
Student: What painting?
Me, standing suddenly and gesturing at her with my finger: The painting that you stole on friday?
Student: WHAT?!?!?!

It is at this point that she started to turn a little red. I realized that she was getting a little nervous but since I'm a sadistic fucker I kept at it. I made her go over all the details of her alibi like three times. I laughed in her face. I was a complete dick. Finally her face was like blood red and then her eyes got watery and I started laughing with her and told her to calm down.

(Of course I am exagerrating... a little)

I thought she was gonna run screaming out the room. She was a good sport about it though. I told her that she should never ever go to jail cause I can see her just pissing in the seat after too long.

1 comment:

SemiSpecial said...

LMAO, that was hilarious. That poor woman.