Monday, October 23, 2000


allow me to paint a picture

I'm sitting in a large room, a church sanctuary actually. The length of the room is poorly lit by about 30 sixty watt light bulbs. I'm sitting near the back of the church fighting to stay awake as a preacher of about 6feet 2inches bends down to a little microphone and screams something about faith and water. Well the picture isn't complete unless you know that his voice is so fake and so terribly "refined" that it makes me want to puke. After every sentence he does this whole gasping thing that sounds like a heavy wooden chair being dragged by a two year-old across the floor. I don't like the way this guy looks. He's about thirty with a flat top. Flat tops are a crime to me, Really a crime. he has these horrible black rimmed glasses and he is hunching his back so that his mouth can be about three inches from the microphone. And right now I really hate him. But I can't really concentrate in that right now because all that i see is a candle and an orchid on a table. kinda like something you should meditate at. That is all I can think about. God is lost on me right now. All i see is a need to meditate and at least make myself feel that my mind is expanding to fill the room, but that is impossible right now. I couldn't possibly fill this room. I can barely feel my head. But i can't meditate here. not in the middle of God's "house". I wonder if i took a piece of carpet in a bottle would God come to take it back like a button on his shirt that fell to the floor.

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