Thursday, October 19, 2000

Tre Chic

I thought for a brief moment that Christina my have found a way for me to meet some one. I thought he might be pretty cool to mess around with. But what i didn't know was that I can't stand to meet people and talk to them before seeing them. Especially when they allow you to ramble on like some stupid bitch who is satisfied at the sound of there on voice. Of course you don't know what I mean.

Some time last week or the week before that I took it upon myself to follow my friend Christina's lead and post an ad on Yahoo. you can check it out if you wish. It is under "Oryh". Anyway I got a few responses but only one I wanted to really reply to. So i did. This guy had the an interesting name to me: Tray. Well I talked to him., Got him on my little messenger thingy. ( by the way that is MSN messenger..feel free to IM me. I'm Well we talked. We were talking good to up until the point that I said I'm black. All of a sudden he stopped adding to the conversation. I being the liberal minded person that I am refused to think that maybe he did not feel comfortable with me being black. So I continued talking. He said nothing. then he said he had to go. He also said he would get back on later that night.

He never got back on.

He sent me an e-mail the next day saying he was sick. I believed him. So I talked to him later that night. He said he was feeling better and then went right back to being quiet and letting me go long moments talking to my self. I give.

I give up. I can't take it when people don't talk back. Could he not like black people. Could it just be that I'm boring. I think I'll just go back to reading books and just totally give up on trying to find love in Mississippi or the south for that matter. All the guys seem to be crazy, horny, dangerous, or just anti-social......don't forget stupid.

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