Friday, August 04, 2006

i`m pissed

I`ve gone through the trouble recently of making two fucking entries on my computer. I lack the internet on my computer so i saved the magical things to my fucking flash drive.  I walk down a hot sweaty ass street to a bloody internet cafe hoping that i`ll be able to load my entries to the net, but no. These evil hussies lack the proper software to read my freaking files. so i am checking my email on a computer that seems bound by some kinda sacred oath to freeze up completely any time i touch. 315 yen down the drain.

i have been living in conditions that would drive my mother to take an offering up at church for me.... to me its not that bad but if i relayed some of the details of what i have been doing she might freak a little. and i like her calm and willing to have philisophical debtes with me. oh yes. recently my mother and i have engaged in some very profound debates that for all my supposed debating skills are always dragged back to some religious picture. my mom is very religious i am not. I .llike her though. we seldom agree completly but i love to hear her opinions and i am sure she likes mine. i am working on a story. maybe i will post the a portion of it here. .........i had more to say. i have said most of it. in my other entires but they are trapped. grrrrrr