Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday 3:46 pm

It feels as though my throat is on a fire. well maybe not fire yet, but what started as a smal spark yesterday has grown overnight into a white hot ember that threatens to engulf my mouth and throat in flames at any moment.

This is bad.

"Why," you ask.

Because I have someone I want to see this weekend... my boyfriend.

Yes BITCHES. At long last, almost 4 years, I have a boyfriend and he is so sweet and cute and nice and MINE!!!! and I guess I'm his too and that is good. very good. (doing the sacred happy dance. join me if you know the steps.)

****they are showing "towel exercise" on tv. japanese people are weird. They all have big kool-aid grins on their faces. hmm... the models... err.. athletes speak excellent english. but they are japanese.****

But my throat is acting truly funky and I don't want to make him sick. But I really want to see him this weekend.

Thanksgiving was last week. It was nice. It makes the second Thanksgiving that I have not been with my family. I spent it with my friends, last year I was just by myself. We went to Outback Steakhouse. It was nice. Robert came (that is my boyfriend's name) and four of my other friends and we gorged ourselves on things that we should not and simply can not eat everyday. I had a steak, a few cheese fries, part of a blooming onion and a piece of chocolate cake that I am sure made me cum all over myself. It was so good and so big and so warm. It was the first slice of chocolate cake I've had in about ten or twelve years. Why so long? Because I don't like most chocolate baked goods. Brownies are okay, but cookies and cakes usually recieve a huge NO GO. This cake though has somehow slipped passed my chocolate defenses. Which is wy I am considering going back to Outback for a nother slice on New Year's Day.

****I wonder. Will the trains be running on New Year's?****

Are you incredibly gay if you start wondering how much better a room would look with new light fixtures and a few tasteful wall hangings? Maybe not.

Okay. I have class now. Peace

Monday, November 13, 2006

November 13, 2006

Well it's been a while. A long while. Not that anyone is waiting with bated breath for me to write something.


I guess I could recap what has been going on with me.

1) Back on October 28 I got incredibly drunk and threw up in a restaraunt. Actually at the table... into a glass bear mug. I then carried my mug with on me on a brief search for the toilet. Now this search was punctuated by me throwing up repeatedly into my mug (yes, there was overflow) and screaming in slurred japanese, "Toire?!?!?" That means toilet. Afterfinding the toilet and emptying my mug and myself a little bit I returned to the table and told my friend I should go home. He agreed and watched with what I imagine was an evil grin as I tried to put my shoe on while balancing on one foot. I damn near broke my foot while doing that. My foot has only now recovered from the trauma.

2) I pireced my ear. Actually, my neighbore pierced it because I almost cried when I tried to do it. Seriously I felt a sob coming on. (I just took it out and put it back in. It bled a little. I guess it is too soon.)

3) I haven't been able to save any money and I'm very afraid that my lack of money will affect my ability to by my family Christmas gifts. I really want to get them something though. Even if i do it will have to be very cheap because shipping is a bitch. A real bitch.

4) My cell phone will get turned off soon. If you don't pay your bill for three months people tend to get pissy. I'll have to get a new cell phone soon. I was gona pay them next month but if they want to turn me off I guess I can wait a little. Muah ahahahahahah!!!!

The end.