Friday, February 10, 2006


Realization is a slow and horrible thing. Maybe not realizaton. Awareness. Aware. I never fully become aware things, realize things until I should be asleep. Now for instance, I should be asleep right now. But, I am awake. Why you ask. Porn. Plain and simple. I'm addicted. Probably like half... the entire male populaton of this country.

I don't think I answered the question. Porn is why I was awake, but I am awake now because I have become aware. Aware of the fact that even though I have told several people I'm going to Japan to work, I am actually going to Japan to live. I'm moving to Japan. To live, for a short while. Three years hopefully.I'm freaking out a little . A lot. I'll be alone. I just became aware of that. I realized it.

Maybe I'll sleep now.

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