Friday, February 10, 2006


This is a new experince for me. Well not new really. Displaying my thoughts "anonymously" is not all that strange and experience for me. I have another journal, diary, blog?... THING on a different website. My name is Ignats on that website. If for some reason you find yourself curious about the ancient ramblings of an uninteresting 23 year old black gay man feel free to go read. Actually I'm not really being fair to myself with that statement. I'm not nearly as simple to catagorize. Hmm, that wasn't really a simple category. 20 something, black, gay, male... hmmm. That's 4 categories with about a billion different expectations in each of them. At any rate that is not really the reason that I'm starting this damned thing.

A blog. BLAH!

Whoa made that stupid name. Anyway, I'm starting this thing because I'm preparing for a wonderful little move. I am leaving the country to live in Japan.

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