Sunday, November 25, 2007

Peace at Last

My friend, Jolo, came to visit me recently. Well he didn't come just to visit me, but he did sleep at my apartment...

I'm kinda sleepy and feeling really scatter-brained. Jolo came to visit from Australia. He lived in Japan for about 11 months last year and for like 7 of those months he was my neighbor. He is a really good guy. Actually he takes some getting used to. He has a really strong personality and his brain-to-mouth filter is severely underdeveloped.

He stayed at my place for the last five days and now he is gone. I feel free. Which is different for me. I remember when Peanut stayed with me and how I got all choked up and had to kinda jog through the train station to avoid letting my emotions get the best of me. ( I eventually had a light breakdown on the train.) When he left I felt like the last person who could link me to my home was leaving me.

Jolo was different. I could only think of all of the sleep I could get now.

It was fun having him here, but now peace is so sweet.

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