Tuesday, August 07, 2007

One Hour At the..


Recently I went took a small trip to one of the most bizarre places in the world. The World Cosplay Championship. Naturally some of you are not really well versed in what exactly cosplay is, and , to be honest, I was exactly an expert in the beginning either. As far as I could tell "cosplay" was just something that people lamer and geekier than myself did to make their lives seem a little less lame and expendable. (That was a mean sentence wasn't it?)

At any rate I started my cosplay education by first having the word explained to me. Luckily I live in Japan, the land that graced the world with Dragon Ball Z and Gundam (WHOO!!!), so finding the correct definition of the word was as simple as asking my 46 year old junior high school gym teacher student; who just happens to be a female pimp. She has two boyfriends and says that she has no plan to get rid of either one, because "two is better." She explained to me that, "Cosplay is COStume PLAYer. The people are really weird. I think dressing up like anime characters gets them excited.) I admit she didn't say it as eloquently as that, but, yeah, she basically accused them of dressing up to get off.

When she mentioned "excited" I was immediately reminded of another group of people who like to dress up like... things.

The Furries are so cute and horribly provocative. Dressing up like lions and tigers and bears to get their jollies. *shudder*

Luckily Cosplay is not like that. They, the totally uncrazy and not lame, um, players? dress up as their favorite anime, manga, or video game characters. I imagine it makes them feel closer to God. At the world competition competitors were required to appear in full costume and do a 2 or 3 minute scene from their chosen thing. I have crappy video that i will load later of this chick beating down a chick to some really bad music. Actually the music isn't that bad. It is Requiem for a Dream. Well the theme music from the movie which goes by the same name.

Cosplay is totally pc and boring. I went to the convention on last Sunday and was bored out of my mind. Actually I'm lying. I was exhilarated. For once, since I've come to Japan, no one was staring at me. I was surrounded by blue, pink, and green hair. I saw a really unsensible robot totter into a McDonald's. I gave evil looks at a pair of meandering junior high school love cat children. I even saw Fran from Final Fantasy 12. What? You don't know Fran. Well take a look at this.

This is Fran. I saw a little Japanese girl dressed as her and cried a little before laughing hysterically at the perverted men who wear eating her up with their eyes.

I was gonna write more but I'm out of ideas. Basically I spent an hour at the W.C.S. being bored out of my damn mind and trying to ignore the fact that the dude packed in behind me kept touching my butt. HE was cute. I allow certain things.

Here are some pics that I was able to get before My boredom overwhelmed me and caused me to leave with Mr. Pokey Ass.


SemiSpecial said...

That was....interesting. Where was ur costume??

Artificial Knight said...

I do not wear a costume for very deep heartfelt moral reasons.

Anonymous said...

Can I ask why you seem so hostile towards these "Cosplayers"? Sure its a little weird but we all know there are WAY worse and disgusting "hobbies".
This does no one harm, its good clean fun!... And thats why I ask why you seem to think so little of these people who just like to dress up!

Anonymous said...

"Here are some pics that I was able to get before My boredom overwhelmed me and caused me to leave with Mr. Pokey Ass."

Now when you say "get," do you mean steal from HikanNinja.Com.