Thursday, October 18, 2007

The most upsetting day of my life...

...had to be the day that I realized that Ken had no penis. I was probably around 6 or 7 and prior to then had not really been concerned with penis. I knew it was there. I peed with mine. My dad had one. Actually all the guys around me had one. I had seen them. (I was mad about the cock from an early age.)

One day while playing with my sister's dolls and remarking to myself how well formed Ken was I undressed him and found those hard plastic molded underwear. I was beside myself. I think that one moment made me gay. That moment gave me my life's purpose: to verify that there are no real men in the word with hard, molded plastic underwear.... and no penis.

Hell Barbie at least got a hint of a snatch. All those creases lead somewhere dammit.

1 comment:

SemiSpecial said...

ur bored arent you?