Thursday, December 06, 2007

Personal Treasure

It has been almost two years since I moved to Japan. I've had my ups and my downs and lots of weird twists and turns. I've met lots of great people and a fair number of bastards. Real bastards. Not just people who get on your nerves. I've also done a bit of moving. A lot of moving actually. So far me address count includes three cities and at least 4 addresses. One of those addresses was actually in Peanuts name. So legally it wasn't mine, but I did get mail there so I'm gonna claim it on a technicality. Peanut can argue with me when he comes to visit.

Let's see... I've lived in Ogaki, Osaka, and Nagoya. I actually moved across town in Nagoya and that is how I got my forth address. I actually stayed very briefly (one week) in Okayama, but I don't think I should count that.

Anyway with all of this moving I have surprised myself by not actually losing anything. Most of the things that I have been thinking I lost, like the hat I am wearing right now, are just hiding in unopened suitcases. I just opened my big suitcase and found:

a video game (that I am going to sell in the morning)
some stinky Avon deodorant (thanks Mom)
a pair of misplaced yet still wearable shoes (I love you Skechers!!)
a money clip
a large pile of clean t-shirts
a dress shirt that is still in the plastic (talk about fresh)

All this moving has allowed me to create my very own personal treasure chest. I feel like I've gone and traversed the darkest oceans, beat down a horde of shinobi women, and seduced their "helpless" husbands. I feel wonderful.

Just call me A. Knight, Treasure Hunter (and Husband Seducer) extraordinaire!

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