Friday, September 08, 2000


I love rainy days. It's just so cool and pleasant and moist. It's actually kind of a sexual feeling, being totally encapsule in the cool yet warm embrace of the rain. Then feeling the moistness of its kiss against your neck. ooh it is very arousing. Very.

Anyway its been raining for about two days off and on now and I don't think I've ever slept better. I don't understand how people(that's the nuts sitting around me) can be forced inside and be made unhappy by such a marvelous event as a nice long winded thunderstorm that has to have its root in a hurricane somewhere in the Atlantic. I thought everyone would be like me and take this as a sign of the end of summer. The washing away of the dirt dust and grime that always comes to a summer in the south. Instead, they sit and wait and plead to God to make the sun come out. (weirdos)

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