Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Day 4: Training Begins

Ok. That previous entry was destined for failure the moment it started. I was surrounded by my training peeps and could not really concentrate. This morning is really no better though. I’m sitting in my room waiting to get ready to go to training. The reason that I am waiting is because my roommate, Steven, and his wife, MeiLei, are copying some worksheet for our training. They were supposed to bring it when they came to training but they left it in their other suitcases. (We had to send the bulk of our luggage to our branch schools and only bring about a weeks worth of clothing to the training center in Okayama.) SO now I’m waiting for them to finish that.

I’m also waiting for someone to shed light on the secret of our heater. We have this gorgeous little heater attached to the wall that neither I nor Steven can figure out. The damn thing is entirely in Japanese and the crappy instructions that our first trainers (the ones who released us into Okayama with a bad map and a prayer) are horrible. The instructions give like a one word explanation of the heater. Actually it’s the Kanji symbol for heater followed by the English word “heater.” Truly a useless means of instruction when you are cold… ice cold… possibly on the verge of dying from hypothermia because this fucking building does not include central heating. Oh GAWD to be back in the U.S. were people understand that instructions for heat are best detailed in English. One word explanations should be the title for your instructions. NOT, the instructions themselves. Personally I for the most part can deal with being cold… most of the time, but today I find that I am craving a little heat and this heater mystery is proving to be to much for me and my needs.

I’m going to go take a shower now and frown at my wrinkled shirt that I refuse to iron. I’ll frown it into straightness.

1 comment:

SemiSpecial said...

Tommie, I cannot wait until you have something happy and fun to talk about. lol I would think since u are away from home that you would sound less...whats the word "bitchy". I love you Tommie..but are u having any fun?