Sunday, October 08, 2006


This is Anpanman. Yes, as you assumed, he is evil. Anapanman is a redbean bun that has some how been given magical powers. Unlike Doraemon, who is merely a puppet, I believe Anpanman to be possessed. He is bread. BREAD, DAMMIT!! and the kids here love him.

Now I must admit, red bean buns are bretty damn good. I may eat one like 2 or 3 times a month, but when my bread gets up and makes a vain attempt at saving the world that is when I call my priest or baker. Whoever I feel is better suited to handle the problem of living bread. Anpanman's friends(in the background) are also possessed bread or other things.

I really don't know what you call an army of demon possessed bread... a bakery. The devil's bakery? Its frightening.

1 comment:

SemiSpecial said...

If my bread ever started talking to me. I want you to personally admit me to your local rehab.