Friday, September 01, 2006

April 4, 2006

My Microsoft Word demo has expired and so I had to dig around on my computer for this. Microsoft Works. I had no idea that my computer was harboring this little gem. Anyway. Lets see if I can bring the world up to speed on were I am. I am in Japan. There. Are we all on the same page. I still don’t have a cell phone. My apartment, though nice, is extremely boring. My desire, some might call it inherent, to decorate is rearing its ugly head. This isn’t the need to decorate out of sheer desire. If it was something as frivolous as desire I am certain I could club that bitch with a pole and shove it kicking and screaming back into the room that we will call submission. No, this desire to decorate comes from the simple realization that I fucking live in Japan and I can’t go visit my family and friends tomorrow… or even next week for that matter. My home like it or not is in Japan and I really need to make that realization be reflected in my living space.
Currently I don’t even have a table. The apartment came with a crappy computer desk. This desk comes complete with an equally crappy chair. I say crappy because my big ass or anyone who is not “Japanese-size” was never considered when this chair was being designed. It hurts my butt. Plain and simple. The floor or my bed… futon… pallet is far more comfortable than that chair. The point that I was trying to make is that the largest flat surface in my apartment is really shitty and not really useful for anything of substantial weight. My apartment also came with a small dresser, a book shelf and various household electronics. None of which makes this place feel like anything more than a glorified dorm room. I need to change that and I believe I’ll start this weekend by going to Nagoya to find a poster for me room.

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