Monday, September 25, 2006

thought from the shower

Japan is supposed to be the Land of the Rising Sun, but honestly I'm not sure if they should even hold that title any longer. I have 1) never seen the sunrise here, or even set. The sun is just always there in the sky annoying you with its presence, or the evil bitch is hiding and allowing this insane wind to come and chill your bones. Yes, it gets cold here. 2) Why would Japan be the land of the rising sun if its not the place where time starts. Shouldn't Greenwhich be the land of the rising sun, and Japan be a little place where years and years of closed borders have resulted in inbreeding on a completely unheard of scale. Yes, I think they are inbred. Not insanely, but enough to ensure that a large amount of the population is dependant upon eyeglasses.

I'm not ranting. I'm just thinking. I like Japan... days.

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