Sunday, September 03, 2006

August 30, 2006 @ work... again

Once again doing the yes-i'm -busy song and dance. Today I'm at a different school, not one in the fucking boondocks of japan. I'm here as an extra teacher today. A kind of servant in waiting. my job today is to be availible for any class or work that they (the japanesesesesesessss) can dream up to dump on me. Usually they are on ly able to dream up some meaningless office work. So foar today I have:

1) spent about an hour stamping the company logo and this schools address to a pile of white envelopes. (truly a great way to fire up the old fun receptors.)

2) contemplated the meaning of life and a winter trip to Thailand while tearing the perforated edges off of a pile of about 400 pages. I was almost killed by the joy until my Australian coworker decided to regale me with tales of poorly reported shark attacks in Australia. Apparently, "drowned and never found" is Australian for "eaten by shark." Also he informed me that Thailand is just a great big brothel. I don't know if that makes me want to go more or what. You learn something new every day.

3) cringed at the crusty looking rash on my students arms and neck. I know its a skin condition and that she is probably doing all she can to control it, but these types of thins are like candy for my eyes; no, heroin. Out of a see of nearly perfect looking Japanese people comes this crumbling woman wanting to learn english. I have to stare. Don't worry though, I remained extremely friendly and appeared to make eye contact several times. I'm sure she never thought that i was screaming and pointing in my head.

Lie with your eyes, not your mouth.

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