Friday, September 01, 2006

august 7, 2006 2:04 am

I am afraid that tonight sleep will not come. For some reason I am worried about my sisters. My older sister primarily. I think she may get in a car accident soon. Not a bad one. She’ll be okay. But I still worry about it. Once, when we were younger, we were riding together in a go cart. I was driving. I remember driving quickly around a corner and my sister flying out the side of the cart and sliding along the ground. I keep seeing this in my mind. Every time I close my eyes it’s the same thing. It has been that way for the last few nights. Tonight Its even worse. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping today. I remember the same thing happened with my younger sister when I was driving the go cart. She fell on grass though… then I drove over her foot. She was okay.
I want to call home and check on them but I really can’t afford it and my cell phone isn’t letting me call internationally for some reason. I hope everything is ok. I guess that is al I can do. My mom would call me if there was a problem. It’s 12:10 pm in Houston right now. My sister will be leaving church shortly. She is an avid church goer. She’ll be riding on the Houston highways…. She’ll be ok.
My mind is just inventing things because I miss my family. that’s all. I do miss them. I really want to talk to them.

I think I’ll have to call for money some how. I’m like really on my last dime. I got a credit card from my bank here but I’m scared to go over board using it. I actually have only bout some food, a pan, and, um…., that’s actually it. A pan and some food. I wanted to buy a TV or a play station 2 or a rice cooker, but since I have had very little food in my refrigerator or my stomach I easily ruled those three out. A rice cooker is starting to sound nice though. I know I commented once that I was starting to be sick of rice. I think I may have been wrong. Everything goes with rice; it’s the perfect filler food.
Ok I’m gonna try sleep again.

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