Monday, September 10, 2007

I just realized that I am a needy bitch. Tomo hasn't talked to me that much in like 2 days and of course i jumped to the worst conclusion and started to panic and then felt a little depressed. Then I started wondering what I had done.

It was a horrible 20 minutes.

He just sent me and e-mail saying that he is almost finished packing. He has been helping his parents move out of their house and into an apartment.He has been actually busy and I've been all "gimme gimme gimme attention" over here.

I'm crazy. LOL


SemiSpecial said...

I am goin to say this. This is so cute.'s over. I get how you feel. If I was in a new relationship with somebody..i would freak out If i hadn't talked to them either.

SemiSpecial said...

..that was mean