Sunday, December 24, 2000

From The Road

from the road home

I see the tent built to

some long lived ecclesiastical idea

crouching low and forgotten over a

stream of its own making. Suddenly I am

reminded of a verse concerning standing in sinking sand.

(I assure you this is all true. The damn tents been sitting in a gigantic pool of mud and water for the last month and a half. Now I apply my imagination.)

As i sit patiently on the alter of our burning desire.(taken from the romance novel on the floor) I see the lights of your car pull slowly up into the mud. I can feel your frozen stare caressing my skin and bringing the world to a screeching halt around me.

****I am sop going to reorganize that later. This crap always sounds better in my head.******

Well I've been working lot for the last two weeks and have just completely neglected the open diary world. I'm SORRY! Really sorry. I missed you guys so much. really. Well not really. I really don't know who you "guys" are.

What do I really miss?

The flashing of my computer screen. Yeah. My little daughter of a filthy whore. Anyway i really am despising this damn Christmas thing. I am completely broke.

completely. My car took a relapsed momentarily earlier this week. Yep it popped it's tire and screwed it's wheel alignment.

To this I say bah humbug. It's Christmas fault.

Christmas is evil.


But I still want my gifts.

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