Sunday, November 26, 2000


that's it. I don't think i have anything left to say. I know. It's really sad that I can put my finger on the point where i have nothing to say but I can. Nothing has come along lately that has been worth considering for more than a second. Nothing.

You know. I like the spice girls.

That. that is about as deep as i an think right now. i think its time to rejoin the human race and turn away from this faceless void that has absorbed soo much of my life already. But.

I went to olkd Navy with my mother and my sisters yesturday and bonded with a grey jacket, a pair of olive cargo pants and this shirt that looks like they ripped the skin of a shaggy dog. I bonded quite literally. i havge to go get my children back. soon.

I think the shirt had a crush on a hat but I don't wear hats. i'm arguing with myself about wether or not to allow them to go out.

I'll go join the world now. Of course I will return. Maybe tuesday.

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