Friday, June 29, 2007

Trailer Madness

OK, so I finally have found my own trailer, it is only 7 minutes from the mall, super easy to get to if you know how to get to the mall. I get to move in on August 10th, I can't wait. This means I can have guests. Which means some of you HAVE to come and visit me. Ya'll can start applying for time shares now!!!!!!
OK. Tell me am I one of the few people in the country who really gets turned off at the thought of even approaching a trailer. That doesn't even include going into it or worst of all living in it.

Maybe I'm a bit uppity and shit but i just hate them. I imagine tornadoes, floods, vibrating and rotted floors, weird smells and people best known as "trailer trash."

I just can't do it. I can't get excited about a damn trailer.

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